Wednesday, January 18, 2012

frozen eggs

Lulu held her own today!  I tossed the girls some cinnamon toast leftovers (thank you, Laurensons)... Lulu grabbed a small chunk and, without looking back, trotted steadily off to the far end of the run.  Not one of the other girls followed her; they seemed content to peck on what I'd left by the water.  

Here's the Chicken Conundrum of the Day: Do eggs freeze?  There were icicles dripping from trees on Tuesday morning.  Should we worry about the eggs we move to the southeast compartment?  The deliveries I made today contained eggs that overnighted there, during the freeze. 

Egg Count: 3
Deliveries: Ann, Bill/Kate, the Bocks
Notes:  Mimi seems to be brooding.  I tried to budge her, but she kept going back to sit on those wood shavings this morning.  Holly found her that way yesterday, sitting on three eggs.

p.s. This is the inaugural post!  Let me know what you think, Chicken Committee, and please CHANGE ANYTHING YOU SEE FIT, including the header, photo, blog description, etc.  This is a group blog.


  1. Curtiss found this link -- -- which has some good info on freezing. And some interesting pictures on the way an egg looks after freezing. It refers to an "egg slush" that can develop, but it sounds like we're safe from damage as long as we don't have successive days at 28 or below, and as long as we don't leave the eggs out there for too long. (!!!)

  2. I LOVE THIS CHICKEN BLOG and I apologize for shouting about it!

  3. Cool pic's Holly! Thanks to all the Chicken People for your hard work!
